Thursday, April 4, 2019

073. At the Disco

This is the ninety-ninth submission for my attempt at looneytunerian's Pokeshipping Theme Challenge.

73. At the Disco
We're at the edge, folks. The second-to-last theme of this challenge. We're on the horizon about to take the plunge down the slope till we hit our goal line. I can't believe it's taken me almost exactly 8 years to get here and yet here we are anyway! And boy howdy are the last two pieces a couple of doozies! Not that this one is spectacular in any major way but it definitely took more time that I'm used to with artwork. It's mostly to do with the sodding floor tiles. I swear, I just made things harder for myself by going with that neon bright disco floor.  Which, I don't know how much of a mistake it was or not because I'm still mentally fatigued after finishing this. So, you guys can be the judges. I can't really care at this point. XD
(Also, no yeah, I know that the shading is highlights are sloppy and all over the place. I curse myself for my own ineptitude!)

So, yeah, decided to go with a strong-ish 70s vibe for this theme. I mean, it wouldn't feel right to me if I didn't, y'know? However, what I didn't know was just how complicated and detailed the patterns for 70s disco clothes could be! Good grief! Looking at references made my head spin and it wasn't just because of the colors! It wasn't simple paisleys and florals I was looking at, I'll tell you that much. So, I tried for a not-so-threatening design since this is my first attempt and all. But no yeah, if you want to give yourself a sense of dread like I did, go type in "disco outfits" into your search engine and see what you find. Whew! O_O;;

Anyway, I think I'll be cutting myself off here. I don't have much else to say about this theme. (How many times have I typed this exact phrase or similar ones?) So, I'll end things for now. Hope you guys are ready for the last theme of the challenge! It'll be a motherload like the very first theme I made all those years ago. Watch for it!

Art © Hakui-Kitsune
Disco Dress Reference © Fancy Dress Ball
Ash Ketchum  & Misty © Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo, Gamefreak Inc, OLM Inc, Pokemon Company & International

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