Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Collaboratastical Nigh So Fantastical Drawing From 2: Electric Boogaloo! 8D Part Deux!

Bwahahaha! This latest collab was a freaking monster for the both of us! XD Many hours were dedicated to sketching up everything and a couple more for certain parts of the background for me. As for Lyly, many hours (over the course of days) were spent on the coloring of the background. Given that it's partly snowy and stuff, that slows the process way down. ^_^;; Anyway, here's the finished product of our 2nd collab! Enjoy! :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

A Collaboratastical Nigh So Fantastical Drawing From 2: Electric Boogaloo! 8D

Hey. Hey hey hey. Hey hey hey. Guess what? I did another collab with LylyRin (now xTheyAteMyTailor on dA). Same method as last time, and even with he same characters. However, the difference is that there's a background! Oh yeah, and it's not a clothing swap. So, here's my finished lineart for the whole thing. I know, once you see it, you'll notice that I did a little bit more than just the lineart but that's purely on my own accord. I'm so used to drawing solely by myself that I got a little selfish. However, I did leave majority of the coloring to Lyly! So, selfishness is not entirely accurate, yeah? XD Anyway, here you go.