Monday, March 16, 2015

Nerewethil (The Maiden of Forsaking Fire)

So, a little over a week ago, LylyRin and I began a little drawing prompt based on a post on Tumblr. The prompt went something like this: "You and a friend both create an original character each. Neither of you reveal the characters to each other until both are complete and regardless of what you've created, those 2 characters are to be a couple."
Now, technically, I reblogged that post some months ago last year and LylyRin had almost immediately contacted me about it and said we should do it. I said yes... and then life happened and we kind of forgot about the whole thing until the beginning of this month. ^_^;; He was able to get 3 complete drawings done within that week-ish time while I... Well, I took a little longer since life and Gaia Online commissions. Thankfully, though, I got my character finished and made up to look presentable. So, here is my original character (based in Middle Earth), Nerewerthil!