Sunday, October 11, 2015

Kiliel Week

At the beginning of this month (specifically the first 7 days), there was a fan-run celebration on Tumblr called 'Kiliel Week'. It was to honor and enjoy the pairing of Kíli and Tauriel from the Hobbit movies. It was announced back in the beginning of September and through my Tumblr dashboard I found out about it then, and subsequently decided to participate. Despite my procrastination during that month, I was able to finish with 2 days to spare, and these drawings are the result! (Initially, I planned to post this a lot sooner but again, procrastination. ^_^;; )

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Current State of Affairs

I thought now would be a good time as any to give an update of sorts about my life, seeing as how I haven't posted any artwork in like... what, 5 months? Something like that. Just to let you know, it's nothing happy though there is hope at the end. I just thought I'd let anyone (who were curious enough) know.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Nerewethil (The Maiden of Forsaking Fire)

So, a little over a week ago, LylyRin and I began a little drawing prompt based on a post on Tumblr. The prompt went something like this: "You and a friend both create an original character each. Neither of you reveal the characters to each other until both are complete and regardless of what you've created, those 2 characters are to be a couple."
Now, technically, I reblogged that post some months ago last year and LylyRin had almost immediately contacted me about it and said we should do it. I said yes... and then life happened and we kind of forgot about the whole thing until the beginning of this month. ^_^;; He was able to get 3 complete drawings done within that week-ish time while I... Well, I took a little longer since life and Gaia Online commissions. Thankfully, though, I got my character finished and made up to look presentable. So, here is my original character (based in Middle Earth), Nerewerthil!