Tuesday, November 6, 2012

027. What If: Ash Got the Role of the Prince?

This is the twenty-sixth submission for my attempt at looneytunerian's Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge.

27. What If: Ash Got the Role of the Prince?
"Misty, I swear upon Psyduck that if you don't do this right, I will get a ditto to replace you!"
"Daisy, I just can't! It's... it's too hard!"
"But, Misty, you've done this play before. Why would it be hard?"

If you notice the dates between this post and the last post, you'll know that I've been horribly neglectful of my art blog. I've never been that confident in my art, and when it comes to scribbles or doodles it just gets worse. Even something like art dumps (which I post on my dA account) have only the stuff I have even a smidgen of confidence in. Or maybe satisfaction is the word I want to use. I'm not entirely sure. So, yeah, the reason for that 6-month gap was just because I don't have a lot to upload for an art blog and my progress for this Pokeshipping theme was put to a screeching halt at the same time. I'm working on some other themes, but I have to decide which medium to use (markers, full color digital, colored pencil lineart, etc) for some and finish up a full color of another. That's all I have to say update-wise, though.

Moving onto the actual theme at hand, I'm pretty sure that if Ash had gotten the role of the prince, Misty would have a heart attack despite the lack of interaction between the characters in the play, from what was shown on-screen anyway. So, just going through rehearsals would probably be a pain and not just for Misty herself but her sisters too. XD That's why I have Daisy up in the top right. She was the director for the play, so I was thinking that she'd be there to guide their performances, only to be thrown into a whirlwind of frustration because her baby sister can't seem to put aside her feelings for just a show! Ash, of course, would be as dense as a forest, not realizing why Misty has such a problem taking up her role. XD As for Pikachu? I decided on a confused look just for laughs, but you can make up your own reason why he's confused. Whether it's because he just doesn't get it through sheer obliviousness or because he thinks Misty should just let all her feelings out and get it over with is really up to you. Last but not least, Azurill is just playing around, not caring. Because I can. XP

Have fun guessing Ash and Misty's ages because I have no idea! I wasn't even thinking when I was doing the height ratio nor the clothes coloring! Are they 10? 16? 21? 84? Let's just say it's somewhere in between. XD Maybe it's an AU or something.

Art © Yours Truly, Hakui-Kitsune
Misty, Ash, Daisy, Pikachu, & Azurill © Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo, Gamefreak Inc., OLM Inc., The Pokemon Company (& International), & Pokemon USA
Background Texture © Me & My BIG Ideas
Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge © looneytunerian

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