Thursday, April 26, 2012

019. Cosplay Time! Giovanni & Madame Boss

This is the eleventh submission for my attempt at looneytunerian's Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge.

19. Cosplay Time! Giovanni & Madame Boss
Who loves crossplay? I do! 8D
No seriously, I really honestly do love it when characters crossdress, irregardless of how bad it turns out. In fact, the worse the result, the better it is in my opinion. ^_____^ So things like Sailor Bubba and Man-Faye? I love those. They are awesome. I immediately give all my love and respect to those men who are willing to wear so little only for the enjoyment (from themselves or from others, it doesn't matter). So, I'm really just indulging in my own passions when I draw each and every "Cosplay Time!" challenge. It's like a chocolate addict being let into the Hershey Factory or something. 8D Okay, maybe not that crazy but something close to it. XD
Now, with this one, I knew I had to go with Giovanni's old suit because those of us who are Pokeshippers are more familiar with the orange pimpsuit, right? ;D It would just be weird and (almost) shameful for me to have used Giovanni's new uniform from the BW season (despite my rampant use of Ash's BW clothes so far; that's a story for a different time, though). Also, Misty looks more boss and Giovanni-like in the orange pimpsuit, to be honest. There's just the aura of "complete and utter boss" that comes with a suit that cartoonish but that awesome. >;D (To all of you who don't get it, think of the villains from your childhood cartoons who had a signature outfit and you believe to be badass folks. Like The Joker from Batman: The Animated Series. His suit is awesome, no? But still cartoonish. Same thing with Giovanni for me - and the other folks who share my thoughts.)
With Ash's costume, I used Giovanni's Mom's clothes from the little screenshot of her on Bulbapedia. I knew of her existence (due to that same wiki) before I even knew there was a Pokeshipping Theme Challenge on dA, so it only made sense for me to use Madame Boss's outfit once I got to this challenge. And boy do I love making Ash uncomfortable (in harmless ways, mind you). 8D Nice red heels, pantyhose, and a tissue-stuffed bra? Pure and unadulterated joy! 8D
Of course, if anyone's thoughts start heading towards the red light district, you'll probably start going green around the gills due to the squick factor you just put upon yourself. The only thing I can say for that is, I'm a stubborn person who wants to keep to the basic idea of things I create. And if I imagine Ash in Giovanni's Mom's clothes, guess who's going to have to deal with it? Yup. :) In all honestly, I didn't put anything suggestive in this picture beyond the image of Ash in drag and nothing truly provocative I might add. And there's no romance going on here, despite the title of the theme challenge (put that scorn and jeering away for now, that's a different subject entirely! XD).
So, what I'm basically saying here is that if you don't like anything to do with this image, then you can just stop looking at it and go find stuff you do like. You don't need to stay, alright? I'm not offended if you don't like it but I am if you somehow need to tell me how much I will burn in hell for drawing something like this. :/ That's all.

Also, it was a completely b-word and a half while trying to connect their shadows with the shadow around the spotlight, which is why they're separate. Still came out well, no? :3

Art © Yours Truly, Hakui-Kitsune
Misty, Ash & the costumes © Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo, Gamefreak Inc., OLM Inc., The Pokemon Company (& International), & Pokemon USA
Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge © looneytunerian

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