Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gaia Online Post

Gaia Online commissions, something I do a lot because not only does it make people happy, it also keeps my drawing hand strong and greased. There are times when I exceed my own expectations and make some pretty successful art! Here are a few...

Wind and Ice Magic

I was specifically asked for the background, but I decided to take it a step farther with shading and stuff. I wanted to try my hand at making the sunlight holes you see in others' works with trees. And despite coming out not exactly as I pictured it (since I didn't know what kind of shapes the holes should have been), it's still a pretty good result. :3 So, yay.

I love you, my friend.

I got a somewhat distinct feeling of Les Yay from the pose given for this piece. Not saying anything about the requester herself or her friend since I don't know either of them enough to make judgment, but that's just the feeling I got. XD Also, those white scraps are not shreds of toilet paper for any of you wondering. (I know some of you thought that when you looked at this picture. Don't lie. >.ó)

This heartache...

I wholly enjoyed how this came out. It's more bright, cheery, and cute than I hoped. :D

Battle of Silent Wits

I've never been so proud of my hair shading skills until this picture. 8D And I'll probably never be able to reattain this level of satisfaction ever again, knowing my luck. I mean, I'm even willing to overlook the guitar case (copypasta for the win!) and the fact that the girl's feet vary in size too much because of the hair shading (especially the girl's)! (Just because I said I'd overlook them doesn't mean I can't see them. >.ó)

Emotions Run High
Oh my god, this piece. D: So much time and effort put into this monster of a request, and if you can't see why, you should get your eyes checked. I was so tired of working on this by the time I was halfway through with it because of the background and the background characters and the lighting and the shading... By the way, if you're all wondering, all of this (except for the light-up curtains and exact details on the BG characters) was requested. Thankfully, the requester was quite happy with this, allowing me to faint from mental exhaustion afterward. But yeah... So. Much. Time. And. Effort. @.@;;
And if you want to talk to me about lamination for an actual photo effect (since it's supposed to be a photo in an album), you can refer to my out-of-commission past self who will more than easily give you a piece of her mind. ^_^

Sayonara... Aishiteru.

Heh, this one was a little hard since I'm horrible with wings. The emotion came through clearly, though, I think. :) Also, I apologize to anyone who is triggered by blood and gore. I can't put a mature warning on just a single picture in Blogspot (I don't think), so this just has to go uncensored. ^_^;;


Electivire gijinka! The visor didn't come out too well, but I loved that the electricity came out decent (thanks mostly to Photoshop effects).

Loyal Familiar

This drawing is the first one I tested the echoing(?) background on. Also, decent wings! Yay! :D

Swept Off Her New-Found Feet

Yay, I know, the cartoony weapons look absolutely silly in my style because mine is semi-realistic. But they are still awesome weapons! XD Also, I like how the creases in his jeans came out. :3

Lovers Embrace

Pose referenced from a photo of this website's article on couples. Bash me if you wish for referencing something.

And that's it for Gaia Online request posts! Next is the real trials: the pokemon theme challenge submissions. D: Wish me luck not passing out from those posts. Oy.

- Hak-Ki

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