Thursday, April 26, 2012

094. Crushed by (Anvil)

This is the fifteenth submission for my attempt at looneytunerian's Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge.

94. Crushed by (Anvil)
Copy-pasta for the win! 8D

But yeah, I sort of cheated here with the anvil because of my lack of confidence in my ability in drawing something I've never drawn before. ^_^;; Yes, I could've done practice sketches, but I didn't honestly feel like it. So, we can basically blame it on selfishness when you get down to it. 8D I had fun with the expressions, though.

I wanted to exaggerate as much as possible but not too far where it just got wonky or grotesque. All the cartoon and silliness would be lost if I did. ^_^;; But I hope you enjoy the looks of major "D:" on Misty and Ash's faces and I hope it makes you chuckle, even just a little bit. ^_^

And just for those of you who like to know useless information, I did the sound effect of the anvil falling (yes, that's what the sound effect is for; it's supposed to be a high pitch whistle sound you usually hear in the Coyote & Roadrunner cartoons with something heavy falling from great height) by using the text option in Photoshop and messing around with it to what I imagined and then copied over it with my Brush tool. :) So, basically what I did was type up those exact letters on the file, curve the font, and then draw over it with the Brush tool with the finishing touch of putting a red border on it. And yes, I know my handwriting is not perfect but it could be a lot worse. Trust me, I know how sloppy I can get. XD

Art © Yours Truly, Hakui-Kitsune
Misty & Ash © Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo, Gamefreak Inc., OLM Inc., The Pokemon Company (& International), & Pokemon USA
Anvil © Photo Dictionary
Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge © looneytunerian

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