Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sketch/Doodle Post 2: Electric Boogaloo!

Continuation away! Here are more sketches and doodles! :D

I'm already with you...
A sketch I drew while listening to Lonestar's Already There (<--link). The song easily makes me tear up (or cry, depending on when I listen to it), especially the special version with messages from military families sending out love to their loved ones. I don't care who you are or whether you like country music or not, but if you don't cry to this song (or its special version) you do not have a soul or a heart.

Stunned Surprise

Hey, something a little more complete! Amazing, no? But, anyway, this is an original character I thought up on the fly one day. She's a Chinese-Canadian who moved into the USA because of family and has an affinity for working on cars, motorcycles, pizza, and M&Ms. (Funny that her skin is so clear, huh? XD Blame that on my artistic ineptitude.) The continuation of her story is that when she moves, she meets a Native American guy that's around her age who is interested in wheeled vehicles just like her. So, Young Adult Romance almost like a Sarah Dessen novel.

The Mark of a Witch
Ignore the fact that this was drawn on notebook paper! I have no excuse other than I was just playing around, doodling, and this little delight came out with complete surprise from me. XD
Anyway, this girl is a character I thought up on the fly (like so many other characters I think up) who comes from a witch's cult. Or something like that. That lock of hair on her left side is white, contrasting to the rest of her hair which is brown (rich or dull, I haven't specified yet, if at all). She joins a young man who has long blue hair and is on a journey of some kind. Whether for a goal of tangible means or just travel for travel's sake, I haven't decided yet. All I can say is that I created the boy out of sheer want of having a blue-haired character. This girl was created as I thought a little about the boy's story (or lack thereof), and so she's stayed. I think her name for now will be Rayure Blanche, which is French for "Hak-Ki is an unoriginal dork who can't name things for the life of her." ^_^;;

This Love So Sweet

Heh, this was done back in February 2011. I forgot what inspired me to draw it, beyond the possibility of my fanart that's close to this one. Same age, same characters, just swapped expressions and the other was full figured. (If you want to see it, it's in my dA gallery under Naruto Fanart. I don't feel like linking it.) By the way, I drew this in another art program instead of Photoshop. I think it was called MangaPro Debut v.4 or something. XD

1990s to2010s Nostalgia
So, a little over a month ago, I was looking at some bits and doodles I'd scanned into my computer and decided to put them into one big compilation to save space. I ended up cleaning and finishing all of them for the compilation, so I can only say space was saved. Time? It was definitely not saved. XD I can say I enjoy the end results, though. They came out better than I expected! However, the Celebi and Mew picture was a bit of a problem child since I was trying to color it to my imagination without the proper skill to do so. Namely the overhead tree lighting. I'm still too much of a greenhorn to color it perfectly, but let's just move on from that. XD

Oh yeah, and pokemon group shot somehow came out awesomer (despite the coloring mistakes, shh!) than I thought it would! I'm still amazed that I actually drew the creatures to look like themselves! ... Now if only I realized that Magmar's tail ends right where Chikorita's bottom is sooner. Oh well, have some unintentional humor mixed in with this art dump (lulz how punny)!

The krookodile named TikTok, by the way, is actually mine. First time I saw Sandile, I knew I had to have it on my team (future team at the time since I decided before the game even came out). I also named her after the crocodile from Peter Pan despite the fact that said crocodile does not 'technically' have a name. What I did was just search through the Internet to find something that could suit as a name, and thankfully I found 'TikTok' being a viable option. So, that's what I named her! And yes, my krookodile is a she. So, any of you who thought I named her after Ke$ha's debut(?) single is horribly wrong. Why would I name my precious sand monster after such STD-ridden crap?

Last but not least, the feraligatr at the end is my beloved starter from the original Silver game, Tod. Love that carnivorous alligator like a son, I do! ^_^ He's my pride and joy!

And that's about it for sketches and doodles. Next will be some Gaia Online commissions that I was particularly proud of in the past and still am today! Hope everyone likes those! :3

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