Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Update Post

Due to several simple reasons, I'm going to be moving my art/writing blog from Livejournal to here on Blogspot. I believe this place will allow me to post much more freely in terms of image posting. Not to mention, I can organize my art projects exactly how I want and am able to have it on the same page as my posts instead of having them in a link on a separate page. So, let's hope this place will be better than the last, which would make it the best!

Oh yeah, I have a little bit of a backlog from Livejournal, so don't expect anything truly new until I get through all the old ones. Hold on tight, folks, it's going to be a fast ride!

And for those of you wondering, that post from 3 years ago will be gone shortly. I know I'm not up for a portfolio ever, so there's no reason to keep that post around.

- Hak-Ki

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