Thursday, April 26, 2012

048. Interrogation

This is the nineteenth submission for my attempt at looneytunerian's Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge.

48. Interrogation
So, since there are more theme challenges related to this whole "What if Ash & Misty were bad guys" idea (actually 7 more if you count), expect to see these designs again somewhere down the road. Though, I might draw completely different outfits for them with those relating themes. Who knows! I don't really know what I'll be drawing for those themes until I actually start working on them or when I get close to it. The only themes that actually have plans to them are the cosplay ones, and that's because of my idea for them (which folks should already be aware of *wink wink nudge nudge*). Actually, now that I think about it... these outfits might fit better with the biker themes near the top of the theme list. Hmm...

Anyway, yeah, this was pretty cheaply done since I just colored the sketch lines but that's only because of my time restrictions! If I had time, I'm pretty sure you would have... Actually no, you probably would've seen this art as is anyway because I really like how the sketches came out. And knowing me and my skills (or lack thereof), I would've royally ruined this if I tried to tamper anymore with it. So, be happy you got it like this instead of in worse shape! XD

(And yes, that is supposed to be an officer talking to them. Think of those cop shows where the officers can get away with physical assaults on suspects but only the start of it where they're yelling and screaming instead of choking and punching.

And as for the any age differences that you see between Ash & Misty, just blame it on my cruddy ability to draw and yet being unable to draw 2 kids around the same age. Actual drawing lessons are something I should seriously look into is all. ^_^;;)

Art © Yours Truly, Hakui-Kitsune
Misty, Ash, & Team Rocket Costumes © Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo, Gamefreak Inc., OLM Inc., The Pokemon Company (& International), & Pokemon USA
Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge © looneytunerian

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