Thursday, April 26, 2012

026. Episode Inspiration: The Misty Mermaid

This is the sixth submission for my attempt at looneytunerian's Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge.

26. Episode Inspiration: The Misty Mermaid
He saw the poster that stood at the end of the walkway that led to the building's double doors. It had caught his attention immediately when he was close enough to inspect it. The woman with a fishtail, a mermaid more specifically, was beautiful. Stunning really despite the fact that her face was halfway concealed. However, there was an air of familiarity in certain aspects of this mermaid that nagged his mind like a ravenous carnivore. He thought without speaking as Brock oogled the poster's main attraction, which got to him enough for him to remember it, since Brock's oogles were so commonplace like the color of the sky or the air they breathed.
The problem was, why did Brock's attraction bother him? He didn't know who the mermaid was since she was clearly fictional, and even if he did remember the story of that one mermaid who sold her voice for legs, there was the certain fact that he didn't care about that story very much. It was a story for girls after all since it was much ado about love and even now he wasn't that crazy about the subject. So... what was it and why did she seem familiar? He took notice of her features. Hair that was long and red-ish, a slim but soft figure, and many water pokemon surrounding her, all of which Misty had in her possession one time or another.
Suddenly, right when Misty commented on the poster herself, he realized why the mermaid looked so familiar to him. His thoughts then streamlined from his mouth, unlike the rest of the thoughts that coursed through his mind seconds before. "Y'know, if her hair was a little different, I'd say she'd look just like you, Misty," Ash said. Despite his low volume when saying it, he had been clear enough to garner a rosy hue to appear on Misty's cheeks and a small but embarrassed laugh from her as well. 

Sitting in that crowd, surrounded by possibly hundreds of a thousand fans who were settling into their seats with chatter, he could feel the excitement brimming in his very skin. It was no exaggeration to say that he was just as excited as everyone else, and the smile only cemented that fact. His eyes looked around at everything, and anything, with his smile only becoming more prominent. The show hadn't even started yet as there were still a few minutes until showtime, but Ash was already acting like the ballet had gone into full swing... Or at least, he wanted to, if it wasn't for the fact that there were tons of children younger than him combined that would have made him look like an uncontrollable mankey had he indulged in his excitement. So, he settled for just saying it out loud: "This is going to be great! I can't wait to see Misty!"

He watched as she swam around the tank, acting out the joy and spirit of her character. She had only just learned the ballet that morning and yet was pulling all the moves of a mermaid with perfect poise and grace. Really, if he hadn't been there earlier, Ash would have been unable to believe a soul if they told him Misty was working from mostly improv. He probably would have said a constant stream of words about how amazing she was with this, but Ash's mind never really worked in sync with his mouth much, not to mention the fact that he wasn't a poet either. That's probably why the only thing he could say while encapsulated by Misty's beauty and talent was, "Misty's pretty good."

After minutes, which felt like hours to be honest, of haggling with her three older sisters, the trio finally was able to head back onto the path of their original goal. It was a relief to say the least, but it felt as if there was an awkward silence as they walked down a sidewalk on what was probably part of the main street of Cerulean City. He felt like he needed to say something, maybe anything, but Ash knew he was no master of language even if it was his native tongue. Still, the silence irritated him more than his non-ability (or whatever the complete opposite of an ability was called), and so he decided to say what came first to his mind. "Y'know, Misty, you were really pretty amazing back there!" 
"Save the sweet talk, Ash," Misty replied. "You still owe me a bike." 
Well, it was worth a shot anyway.

And that there, dear readers, is what I had planned for the my attempt at this theme. Or rather, what I had decided a few days ago once I realized it had been around a week after my last post, in which I had stated I was going to post the next day... but then that turned into the biggest lie I ever made and then I felt bad. 8D

But! The thing is, at least there was something of merit to be had from all that time. Even if that merit is small like a pea compared to the elephant size disappoint I have wrought from those of you who look at my art blog (meaning myself since I doubt anyone's willing stay). ^_^;;

Going back to the actual subject of this post, I might actually do these little drabbles alongside the picture I make for each "Episode Inspiration" theme. In fact, the reason why I wrote these drabbles in the first place was because I wasn't sure what I wanted to write for the description until I realized I wanted a slight poetic-ness, and it turned into, "Hey! Why not write drabbles? You've been meaning to try to start writing again!" And then I pulled out my DVD copy of "The Misty Mermaid" and jotted down Ash's quotes in which he compliments Misty one way or another. After that, the real work started. Trust me when I say this, folks, writing is not the easiest thing in the world even if you know how you want it done for the most part. Or at least, it isn't for someone like me, who has that special part in the brain that makes everything hard. ^_^;; It's like my own body is warring with me, I swear.

Art © Yours Truly, Hakui-Kitsune
Misty, Staryu, Starmie, Horsea, Seaking, Goldeen, Shellder, & Dewgong © Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo, Gamefreak Inc., OLM Inc., The Pokemon Company (& International), & Pokemon USA
Pokeshipping 100 Theme Challenge © looneytunerian

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