Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Persona Pairings Week 2011 Post

This post is of Persona 3 & 4 pairing art I did for a dA group back in late July 2011. I wanted to draw more fanart for the games but couldn't get any good ideas until the event came up, which gave me a good starting point. Anyway, here are the pairing drawings I did for Persona Pairing Week 2011!

Beware, all the art is of coupled characters. So, if you're not a fan of any of the pairings seen here (which are Shinjiro/FemMC, Chie/Yu, Yuko/Kazushi, Kanji/Naoto, Chidori/Junpei, Yukiko/Rise, and MC/Yukari) you will not want to look at this post. Now proceed at your own risk.

Shinji/Hamuko is sweet sweet love! X3 If my indecisiveness and inability to play non-puzzle games didn't factor in, I would have already pursued Shinji in my game file!

Souji/Chie is also major love! XD Chie is my second favorite character in the game, after all. :3 (Coming in after a tie between Nanako & Kanji.)

This couple was hinted at in P3P when you play as a girl. On a trip with your sports club, Yuko states that if she doesn't find anyone else in her life, she'll decide to marry Kaz. :3 I already see them as an old married couple with just how they act, though. XD (And if you don't believe me about the scene, look up Yukiko's cameo in P3P on Youtube. Yukiko in middle school is so adorable! X3

Kanji's crush on Naoto is just... oh god, he's already tied as my favorite character overall for Persona 4, so how could his crush not be adorable? D8 My only dream for him is that he finds the greatest happiness no matter where or what it is. So yeah, major love to Kanji/Naoto! X3

It's not my top favorite pairing of the game, but I can appreciate the sweetness of the relationship. :3 Junpei can be a little hard to handle if you're like Yukari (whatever that entails XD) but Chidori did well without even realizing it! He might have even been her type if she was a little more social and possibly not with Strega. ;) By the way, the title can mean whatever you see where applicable. I had a specific idea of what it mean, but looking at it now, I can see another interpretation. So, yay for double meanings! :D

I love Rise with everybody! 8D No seriously. She seems like a free-loving girl and is usually bubbly and fun, so I see her just loving everyone. I decided to go with Rise and Yukiko because I didn't want to repeat people for this thing. Makes it more fun to see, right? ;)

Oh, Yukari, you always know what to say to piss off everyone in the room. I think it chalks up to your family life and its current state of affairs, but it wouldn't hurt for you to learn on your own that your attitude results in a lot of tension between you and folks at home. Seriously, honey, even I - who likes to consider myself a big fan of yours - can see where others come from. The bundle of underwear wedged up your butt could really stand to be pulled out, y'know. ~∀~


I know I said I was going to start posting the pokemon theme challenge submissions, but then I found the post for these drawings and I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to post these too here. So, yeah, I tend to make a fool of myself by doing that! Oh well. Now, I'm going to start posting the theme challenge submissions. See ya!

- Hak-Ki

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